The Analyst - WinStock Software

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Price updating

Prices histories can be kept up to date by internet, email or manual updating. All methods are compatible and maintain closing, high and low prices, for about 3,000 shares, currencies, indices, commodities and gilts. Portfolio valuations and graphs will reflect the latest data available to your system.

Internet download

End of day data is available free of charge directly from our website. With a single click The Analyst downloads the correct amount of data and brings your system up-to-date. While your support is active, intra-day data is also provided. All 3,000 shares, currencies, indices, commodities and gilts are included

E-mail feed

An e-mail file is sent to you each evening, free of charge. Once you have received the file The Analyst will quickly and automatically add its contents to your archives. All 3,000 shares, currencies, indices, commodities and gilts are included.

Manual input

Current and historic prices can be updated manually for all shares, currencies, indices. Shares not already on the system can be added and maintained in the same way. All graphing and portfoio functions will work normally with this data.

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